Contact us at info@pioskincare.com for photo and press related questions or if you want to make a collaboration with us.

Lifestyle magazine costume
Proud to announce that the lifestyle magazine Costume has made an article with PIO’s expert skin therapist Sarah Elahi about wonderful skincare tips.
In September 2023 we had a collaboration with the Danish fashion company Modström.
Collaboration with Modström

Collaboration with WAY

In June 2023 we had a collaboration with the Danish lifestyle brand WAY based in Copenhagen.
We sponsored an Anti-Pollution Arctic Glacier Mist with every purchase of one of WAY's quiality products.
In March 2022 we had a collaboration with the Danish fashion company Basic Apparel.
Collaboration with Basic Apparel

Collaboration with Samsøe Samsøe

In October 2022 Pio had a collaboration with Samsøe Samsøe and Gore-tex when they had a press event in Lapland.
We sponsored all the guests with a small survival kit for the cold weather.