Welcome to PIO Lab

Here you get the chance of being your own skincare scientist.
Create your very own tailor-made serum that fits perfectly with your skin and need.
The easy steps:
First, pick one out of three bases - this will be the foundation of your serum:
Intensive Hydra Repair
After you’ve picked your base, simply add 1 to 4 ingredients of your own choosing.
Your tailor-made serum is now ready!
Get to know the story behind PIO Lab and how there are over 370.000 different combination
Now it’s time to combine your base with 1 to 4 ingredients
We have split 42 ingredients into four categories.
Each ingredient is marked with one of these four colors to easily identify the category.

Click here to make your own PIO Lab serum.
Your personal 30 ml serum will consist of:
- 15 ml base
- 15 ml mix of ingredients
Our expert product developer will make the optimal ratio between the 15 ml mix of ingredients you choose.